About Us
Professor Barbara Kinney Black began her 25+ year ESL teaching career as a volunteer in her church in Coral Gables, Florida. She had taught for just 3 weeks when it became obvious to her that she could do something she loved for a career. She returned to university for a Master’s of Science degree in T.E.S.O.L. Since that time she has taught ESL in a diversity of settings including:
Adult Education – Miami-Dade, Florida
College – Miami-Dade College, Miami, Florida - largest college in the U.S.A.
Seminary – New Orleans Theological Seminary - Miami Campus
China – Honghe University - sharing Western ESL teaching technique with Chinese English Teachers
Barbara and Bernie with colleagues sharing Western teaching techniques with Chinese English teachers.
Professor Black has authored ESL curriculum for a variety of applications including:
ESL for Florida Power and Light employees
ESL for employees of Global Mail Solutions
Co-authored Teaching English Techniques & Practice for Honghe University, China
Professor Black enjoys most her involvement since 1994 as a teacher/trainer for churches in Florida wishing to begin ESL ministries.
Professor Black has directed two ESL ministries in South Florida churches. Above all, Professor Black delights in seeing her students succeed.
Bernard Black has taught ESL as a volunteer for the past 20 years alongside his wife, Barbara. Bernie has also taught Bible for 39 years to young people through senior adults. Bernie is retired from a dual career as a communications technician for the telephone company, and as an aircraft electrician in the U.S. Navy. Bernie formats all of Barbara’s ESL publications.
Aside from writing ESL curriculum, Barbara and Bernie are seasoned travelers having visited all 50 states and more than 70 countries. As they travel they do family history research in locales where Barbara's ancestors lived. They enjoy sharing their love of photography and cooking with others.